Thursday, December 30, 2021


 It does get dark a lot earlier now. Yeah, we see December as a gloomy month, despite the joyous holiday season. Yeah, we did say joyous. Although, most prices are way up. It is not just eggs. Those seem as precious gems. Basically, we need to get some hens so we can have eggs. I can feed our cute chicks some table scraps.

Star Trail!

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Healthy food

 Healthy food is expensive. Also, it does not taste so nice. Kids prefer to eat candy than wholesome veggies. Frankly, we do not know exactly why but it is not best to let little ones... design their own menu.

Candy (cool new product identifiers, with appropriate holiday decor in the background)

Sunday, December 26, 2021

sports car

 People often talk about how great it would be to be super rich because they could buy a fancy sports car. OK, so I would prefer to live far away. A big pickup truck is great for me. Just what can we see.


Friday, December 24, 2021


 Instagram will double down on video next year. 2022 will indeed amaze us. Hope that it is in a positive manner.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 Tesla has some minor issues. Also, we see a problem as in wow. It is lithium prices. Oh wow, those are way up. Please add the limited range. Big batteries require a lot of lithium as in massive. Do we need to repeat that electric cars are expensive?


Monday, December 20, 2021


 Lake Tahoe has record snow. Well, we do not believe that this is related to global warming. Drought is what was predicted by our men in science. Oh wait, a warmer ocean... that means more evaporation and more rain or snow.

Sunday, December 19, 2021


 There is an auction of Charles Darwin's microscope. Fellow colleagues, this is a major mystery to me. Just why would people want this device anyway? Hey, collectors are so insane. Well, this is my own opinion.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

rise in crime

 People are afraid due to a rise in crime. The trust factor is definitely important to us. Yet we do know that certain liberals want to defund our cops. Let me tell you that this factor can only lead to an increase in crime.

Dubai Marina Blues

Friday, December 17, 2021


 Right now we have some sour news. It is about a once iconic company. The name is sears. OK, so this year might be sears last holiday season. Eddie Lampert should indeed bear a large percentage of the blame that this great company is no more.


Thursday, December 16, 2021


 Here is a list of the worst actors and actresses ever. Yeah, it is interesting who is on. I did not create this list, but it is fun to see.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 Finding empty shelves in our grocery is worrisome. Yeah, I saw that a lot of items were now missing. For example, it was hard for me to find eggs. Also, we did notice a major price increase. Brothers and sisters, we do notice that our situation is max serious.


Sunday, December 12, 2021


 I do thank God that we got some rain. Fellow colleagues, this has been a rather dry year. Basically, we were seeing patches of grown grass. Not a pretty sight I tell you. Also, there are some bare spots in our lawn where nothing grows. These troublesome patches get worse in an arid season.

_1460209A Urban space

Friday, December 10, 2021


 There is one fine thing that we can say on our enormous eerie universe. Basically, we see that it does indeed have some very DARK ominous corners. Yeah, that fact should never amaze us, Still, here we are. Fighting against the strong rip tide current we are.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 I love to see a bright new morning. Yeah, the smell of coffee wakes me up. Hey, the dawn of a new day is upon us. Let us work hard to make it the best that it can be for all of us.

Early Morning Light

Sunday, December 5, 2021

star link

 Yo, star link low orbit internet satellite service... like it could make Elon Musk a trillionaire - wow. This is what we need, a faster speed in agrarian areas. Often, we have slow internet in our rural regions. Hey, stringing fiber optic cables costs a lot of money.


Saturday, December 4, 2021


 The future is going to be exciting for us. I can indeed wonder about our amazing technological progress. Could be that the exciting world of tomorrow will be far different than our own.

Dubai Marina

Thursday, December 2, 2021

banning books

 People are banning books now. Ideas do threaten us. Basically, we are more fragile than we do admit we are. However, we should remain open to what is new. A closed mind is not good for us.
