Sunday, February 28, 2016

Robot Rubio

Robot Rubio should call the borg up. Maybe they will let him join. Chris Christie totally destroyed the metal man. Perhaps he can advertise an android phone in every pot.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Steven L Gibbs

Steven L Gibbs had a stroke and is in a Topeka hospital right now. By the way, Topeka is the Capital of Kansas and that is scary. He can barely move. That is the bad news. Good news is that he might be getting out soon. Still, he cannot use one arm. Real challenges are ahead for the inventor as days go on. What a terrible start to a promising new year. Do hope he has a full recovery.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Patriotism is out and multiculturalism is in. Just exactly what kind of world do we wanna see. Could be that all of us want more freedom of expression. What does our gov say. They want us to be safe and secure. That feels like a bird in a cage. Hey, we eagles are suppose to fly in air. Staying safe in a cage is not us.

Monday, February 1, 2016


London could have been rebuilt using a grid based system years ago. This is after the great London fire of 1666 and that burned most of the city up. King brought some architects in. He wanted to commission a new map. Well, what he really wanted was to create big broad boulevards instead of winding streets that were curvy or narrow. Often these streets were both and it was a hindrance to commerce.