Saturday, January 30, 2016

worst CEO

Great Scott, worst CEO list has the head of sears. Like we have not been there in years. What a lst of has been companies. Most are near gone.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Mr. Ed

Here is Mr. Ed 2016 version. I guess green is in. This horse is scary.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

super bowl

Yo, a new super bowl is near. They are banning drones this time and we wonder what's up. The whole super bowl area is a no drone zone. Oh yes, we did say the whole area.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

no candy

Hey, there is no candy for you. Fruits is what is super. Somehow, we do not think so. Hey, what else can we say.

A Pocket Full of Pesos

Sunday, January 24, 2016

real books

This just in. Look at amazon. There are opening a physical book store in Seattle that sells real books - not digital downloads that need a kindle to read, but what are we saying. Please send me one. Thank you.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Vortex hunting

Vortex hunting is wow. Time to get me a cell sensor. Yeah, it is great to get a new one. That is what we use. Steven Gibbs says cats can help you. Oh yes, they are natural vortex hunters and they can detect one. Here is my call to action - get a cat, right away.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

plain vanilla

Yo, the journey of plain vanilla is wrong. It is an orchid plant that is hard to grow and easy to miss. Frankly, we do wonder how it became so max pop. This bean is no mean. Could be that we need to ask star rapper vanilla ice.

Start your journey.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

barium oxide bar magnet

Getting a barium oxide bar magnet is max. Often these are refer to as ceramic. They are use with an HDR to increase power. Steven Gibbs told me he has some. Friends, this is the real deal if you want to has your magnetic flux increase. What will the dynamic
future bring us.

Monday, January 18, 2016

snow is coming

Blizzard is so max. Friends, snow is coming. Pssst, got a secret for you. Basically, snow turns into ice. That is not so nice. White fluffy stuff is scary. Think of all the major auto accidents it cause. Expect rates to go up. Oh yes, we mean car insurance.


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Peak TV

Peak TV is worrisome. Netflix is getting the blame now. It could just over load us. Critics just cannot keep up. Look at all the new TV series... Yeah, like there are so many. Wonder if anything great is on.

Friday, January 15, 2016

over view

Look out the window of a jet... what do you see. Namely, it is an over view. High above up in our cloud shrouded sky we are like birds soaring. Yeah, we live in our air. Life up here has but no care.

Cockpit View

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Do you love to see  a rose. Also, we like to smell one. Fragrance fills our nose. There is a reason why we like to view em. Just what can it be now. Great figures in history often compare a rose... to an empire. It blooms and slowly fades away. Life is so very fragile we see.

A rose!

Monday, January 11, 2016

crisis is near

Friends, we predict more woe. Ah yes, crisis is near. Predictions by Gerald Celente are coming soon. Jobs are going away. Buying stocks could cause pain. Retail is not same.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dr. David Jacobs

Dr. David Jacobs talks about alien human hybrids, but what does that mean for us. Children born in such a world do not have a future that is bright we see. Yeah, it is going to be dim and grim. Well, that is how it seems. Basically, it is a bumpy road we are on.

Rim Drive

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tigers jump in

Rabbits jump out. Tigers jump in.

Tiger Statue

Sunday, January 3, 2016


Why does a fairy have pointed ears. It is a mystery, yes it is. Oh well, we do say yes. Still, we also wonder what makes them have magic.

Face-up commissions

Saturday, January 2, 2016

steve jobs

Do believe jobs was a visionary genius. However, he did have some visions. Should have been a little more conservative and he would still be with us.

Friday, January 1, 2016


Blizzard kills thousands of cows. Oh wow, Texas has bad news again. Like they have a lions share of pain. Great big state, but no rest as things get worse.