Sunday, May 31, 2009


Not being able to find a buyer, GM may have to junk the iconic Hummer. This year has been terrible for GM car sales across the board, but worse hit were big SUV trucks. Hummer sales dropped 62% down to only 5,013 trucks. The plant in South Bend, Indiana will soon close.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

new car habit

End of the new car habit? Well, what if we move away from new cars and toward a mass transit. This could be the beginning of a trend toward using less resources. The problem is our economy is dependent on car culture. Buses are the future.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Doing Time?

Close up of a stopwatch

There was a prison guard that told me that one of the inmates built a time machine on his watch. I guess the idea is to time travel to before the maximum security facility is constructed and walk out. Therefore I guess if a chrononaut is doing time, he can escape by travelling in time - guess he had to clock out!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

HDRnow Time Reports are here

Find out the latest research from inventor of HDR Steven Gibbs. Here are ten reports he has created with his breakthrough discoveries and inventions. These reports include schematics of machines he has built and you can too. There is a list of parts that you can get at your local Radio Shack. The complete list of HDRnow Time Reports.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Trouble Trouble make it double

Kim, such a girly name for a dictator and as if things are not bad enough the number of banks in trouble is now at a 15 year high, the unemployment rate is at a 25 year high, and sales of Chrysler cars are half what they were last year.

Let's not forget that last year was a horrible year for Chrysler. It was so bad that they almost went under. A government bailout allowed them to live on... But not for long.

However, using Steven Gibbs HDR, I have seen a problem far worse than any of these. It is called nuclear war. It is no longer a fantasy, but a hard reality that many ruthless regimes have the means to destroy us.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Future prediction about executives

Do you ever wonder what execs shall be like in our future? Well, my prediction is no executives in the days to follow. The world tomorrow has no governments or corporations. This current system will fall apart. In fact, we are seeing this main event take place even now.

As complete collapse crushes our present society, a new one arises.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Outlook for the week

Arabs plan to cut petroleum production even more to boost prices over seventy a barrel. People will pay thru the hose for gasoline. This means gas pump prices will soon go up.

North Korea tested yet another nuke.

Indian outsourcing firm Satyam Computer Services will layoff 10,000 of its 40,000 knowledge workers. This means that things are so bad that companies are even cutting out the low cost high tech workers.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

GM a disaster

The word "DIS-ASTER" means bad star. It could be said that we were born under a bad star because GM bankruptcy will be a disaster.

I am not exaggerating. For one, GM auto sales already low will drop even more. Second, many part suppliers are hanging on by their fingernails, expect most of them to fall as well. This will trigger massive unemployment.

Just as the real estate market fell like a house of cards, so will the automotive market. The empty shell of many manufacturing firms litter the heart of our vast industrial areas - we are going...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

GM outta gas!

OK so we spent near 20 billion trying to keep this ailing automaker afloat, but she's going down. This Titanic automobile manufacturer is sinking beneath the waves. GM is outta gas!

Obama is confident GM can survive. Wish that we so, because many jobs will be lost. GM was a major employer and there will be a ripple effect as part suppliers, mechanics, and dealers shut down. The end of an era.

Friday, May 22, 2009

gas prices rise

Sadly, price at the pump is going up. Gasoline is in surge now $2.45 in some areas and we will soon see over $3/gal for gas. This means less income to spend on other things. People will go out less and try to save as much money as they can.

I like to use my HDR with a plasma globe. Whereas a Tesla coil can cost over $1,000 - it is easy to get an HDR plasma globe at your local mall cheap. Yes a plasma ball for under twenty bucks.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

HDR experiments

HDRKID is doing more experiments. The research continues as use of HDR goes on. Most of these are some Radionics Experiments using Steven Gibbs HDR.

Key is to find out what is taking place. Right now the focus is on agricultural radionics using plants to test the effects of powerful magnetic fields. Here is a hope that we can find a way to harness new technology to feed our world.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Rather instead sunset, yes the fall of the american empire. Today, iran tested a new long range missile. They will use this to threaten the world. Of course, nothing will be done by US in an effort to stop them.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Red China #1

Red China sold more cars than US. Well they also make more cars than US. In fact, now GM says it has a plan to import cars from low wage countries to bring to america. All that bail out money will be used to OUTsource and DOWNsize ameican jobs.

Talk about an economic recovery is a joke. After all we produce nothing, so how can we recover?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Repairing Hubble

OK so we are fixing the space telescope. The sad news is that soon there will be no shuttle in space. Because we are running out of money. At one time back in 1969 we did dream of sending men to the moon.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

GM dealers await grim news

Don't answer the phone, it is grim news. General Motors will soon be bankrupt. They are at the end of the road. GM dealers await our grim news as our severe recession gets worse. What we knew would take place is now occurring.

Future execs will read about the decline of Chrysler in history archives. Sadly, many will not understand how it was an over reliance on magic money that brought the fall. People were able to borrow far beyond their means and so it creates our crashcade.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Google Down

What can we learn from our Google outage? I was forced to use Yahoo, imagine my horror. Also, Youtube and Blogger were toast. However the main site was not down, but super slow, so I did a little speed test on my connection bandwidth using speakeasy. It turns out my connection had the normal amount of bits per second in the bandwidth for both uploads and downloads. Speakeasy Speed Test

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Satan Claws

Retailers will get a visit from Satan Claws. They will have a very unmerry Xmas. Satan Claws is going to see whose naughty or nice. Things look quite grim. Sales are falling even as we speak.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lake Mead drying up

Lake Mead is drying up even as we speak. It has lost over half its water since 2000. The situation is so serious US gov may declare a drought emergency. This means lawns would go brown. The loss of our largest reservoir in america means that we could soon face a very dry summer.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why is oil over $60?

Well, an economic recovery is not the reason. Global demand for crude oil is down. It will continue to go down, but we hit peak oil in 2005 so petroleum producers are not able to supply the world with cheap fuel as they did before, and some say that fear of a Middle East war is fueling fears of disruption.

Monday, May 11, 2009

using HDR and plasma ball

I like to use a Plasma Ball with my HDR. This is like an inexpensive version of a Tesla Coil. The idea is that the energy generated by the plasma ball can influence the HDR. It is my guess that this helps create a zero vector that the Hyper Dimensional Resonator tuned into.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

using HDR on full moon

Full moon is when HDR works best according to Steven Gibbs. He says that a vortex will open at daybreak on the morning of a full moon. Perhaps there is a tidal influence that accounts for this lunar phenomenon. I believe that you can have good luck on new moon.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tesla coil with HDR

Using a Tesla coil with Mr. Gibbs HDR is something I wish to do. I bid $79 on a Tesla Coil on Ebay, but did not win. Sadly, the reserve was too high. It seems that the HDR works well with the Tesla coil. The reason could be that they are both coils.

Yesterday was a full moon and I used an HDR to go astral to the future. The date was 2012. I am sure that people wonder what will happen in 2012. Mostly saw power blackouts in my area and it was hot so I use a battery power fan to keep cool.

Friday, May 8, 2009

economy in crisis - buy gold

Today Toyota has its worse loss in its entire 77 year history. Please do not believe the liars that claim we are in an economic recovery. Go for the gold, buy bullion the physical metal because we are seeing the house of cards come crashing down.

The future price of gold will be much higher than now. This is because gold has been a safe haven. People trust precious metals to retain value. Prices will go up as we enter an inflationary depression.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Green Future?

All this talk about green technology like solar energy & geo power, has me thinking. What is taking place? Well, the two companies that have done well this year are McDonalds with its 99 cent McChicken, and Wal-Mart with its low prices.

In the middle of a severe economic recession Walmart had a 5% sales surge, but drops monthly reporting. Why would Walmart do that? OK, my guess is that our severe recession is getting worse. This means that they may not have many more good months.

In the future execs will be moving company head quarters out of US. All this green washing will stop as they show their true colors.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Time camera

What if we could take photographs of the future? Well, some claim this is already possible with a time camera. Other names for this radionics device include the chronoscope.

I have not seen any pictures of the future taken with a time camera that I can believe in. However, it would be interesting to do experiments with a time camera about 2012 AD. Who knows what we would see.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

problem of piracy

I am not talking about "Don't copy that floppy", or that torrents, but pirates on the high seas. For many years, it seems that things were calm, but not we have rough seas for cruise ships as they are attacked by pirates.

OK, now more than ever, we see pirates on the prowl for slow ships. They like to target large container ships or the huge oil tankers. This problem must be solved quickly.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Obama to tax offshore firms

Well, more american companies will leave USA and move HQ outside our shores. Folks this is a prediction. The CEO is leaving USA and going to low cost low tax venue where he can make money and keep it.

This means more unemployment and more pain, as we see companies leave our shores and go overseas to escape the high taxes of Obama. Get ready for more jobs lost.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

mexico is shutdown due to flu

People who claim that the mexican swine flu is a hoax should travel to mexico city and see how the whole city is shut down. Fear of the flu has hit business hard as many holiday travellers have stayed home. The situation will get worse as fatalities pile up.

OK, on our north border, a canadian farmer gave swine flu to pigs. This is strange, but hey, it is the swine flu after all, so not to BOAR you with details but this flu can cause sickness to animals. It is quite real.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

There are those who make fun of my predictions using Steven Gibbs HDR or Hyper Dimensional Resonator. Well, one of them was that in the future I saw green pools and over grown lawns.

OK, so here we are, banks are now being fined for not taking care of their upkeep on foreclosures. This is one more prediction that came true, so we can see that using an HDR works for me.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sucker Rally

This is a usual sucker rally where fools are sucked into the net and ripped of their money. Expect the market to fall further as more economic crisis data proves that we are sinking slowly into the quicksand of financial trouble.

OK we now have over 150 cases of mexican swine flu in US. This will hit our economy like a freight train. This could crash the stock market.