Wednesday, August 31, 2011
What is coming

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Gold moves up
Halloween came a bit early this year. Ben Bernanke is spooking investors now. Gold moves up. Perhaps QE3 got a delay, but it is coming. Market need more money. Count on Ben to give them some.
Hurricane irene did cause damage that was massive. Vermont was hit hard by irene. People need to realize what is going on. It did cause billions in damages and the worst is not over. Sadly, many rivers are rising.
Monday, August 29, 2011
ric perry can win

Here is my message. Basically, it is that ric perry can win. Notice that the democrats focus on perry. They do not worry on romney. It is like they do not even care. Most realize they can beat romney. However, against perry they fear they cannot win. Why is this so. OK so the texas gov can create jobs as in many. Attacks are coming fast comparing bush to perry. Mostly, they are not the same. True they are both texas govs. Still, bush family was super rich, and perry grew up very poor.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
new supernova

Colleges, there is a new supernova. It is one of the closest ever. OK so it is only 21 million light years away. People can see it with binoculars even. Hope that one day we get one that is even nearer. For example, similar to that supernova in the crab nebula from 1054 that was bright as the sun.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
irene moves on

Hurricane irene moves on. This monster storm is doing damage that is massive. People need to become more aware. Right now millions are without power. It will soon hit NYC with an effect on our economy. This could plunge us directly into a depression and forget about a mild recession. Mostly, people are hoping that is will head out to sea. Hey, wish that were so. Sadly, that is not where it is going to go.
Friday, August 26, 2011
jobs are necessary

Folks, creating jobs is necessary. There is no such thing as a job less recovery. Without full time employment people do not have money. That is what they need to start buying again. Like I said before, jobs are necessary.
GM going bankrupt was bad for us. Let us face some facts as a sputtering economic engine saps earnings. There were a lot of companies that GM could not pay. They had to take the hit and keep going. Sadly, many had to fire workers and cut back on plans for expansion.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
chicken house
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Ben feels squeeze

Ben Bernanke feels a squeeze. Well, it is due to our poor economy. He can blame others, but we blame QE2 or quantitative easing. That is the reason. Please do wake up.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Financial crisis
OK mon, here is the econ 252 from open yale on financial crisis. Well, we do know little about our economy. Hope you can learn some. Then again, may be no so. Certainly, it is very open.
Monday, August 22, 2011
super power plasma globe
This plasma globe is a super power. Look at what it can do for you. This shows you the power of plasma that is available to all of us. What we need is for our minds to open. Only then can we see.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Gold prices going up
Citizens, we see gold prices going up. This is not news on us. I mean take a look at historical gold prices. Those have been shooting up like a rocket to the moon. Perhaps, we are in a bubble soon. Like we do not know how much more up GOLD can go.
Friday, August 19, 2011
recession FEARS surge
Folks, it is getting very scary. Right now recession fears surge. There are those that think things are going to be OK, but most see the writing on the wall for this empire. Brothers and sisters, the Titanic is going down now. Perhaps, you want to know what is coming.
Here is the HDRKID Time Travel Forum. Well, you do not need a time machine to know that things are getting worse. Still, most people are not preparing. It is time to get food and fuel ready for what is coming.
Here is the HDRKID Time Travel Forum. Well, you do not need a time machine to know that things are getting worse. Still, most people are not preparing. It is time to get food and fuel ready for what is coming.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
consumer prices increase

Friends, we say - I told you so. Basically, inflation is roaring. There was too much quantitative easing. Like we are drowning in paper currency. Yo, that said, consumer prices increase. Well, this should not in any way surprise you.
Re skull seems to be running this game. What can we say. People are in a state of panic. Things keep getting worse. Like today the stock market dove 400 points even. Citizens, expect more terrible news coming.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
HDR EMF meter

OK so here is a video of an HDR EMF meter in use.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Ethanol hurts cars

Ethanol blend known as E15 hurts cars. They were not designed to burn alcohol as their fuel and it creates corrosion. E15 is a 15% ethanol gas mix. People are seeing effects more. This is not just affect old cars. In fact, it is also hitting those that are new. OK cars, get use to the great taste of corn.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Health care crisis
Friends, we are running out of money. There is a health care crisis. Well, the debt ceiling crisis will affect health care. Like this is to be expected by us. Expect the cuts to be massive. Government debt has grown in size. Sadly, we are now in a remove excess process.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
massive mansions

Most very rich truly live in massive mansions. Like wow, those house need like a maid army. Yeah, just to keep them clean and proper. For a few to be so rich, it seems that many have to stay poor. Actually, reality is different in that the rich are great at creating wealth, but not at spending it away.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Full moon

I love to use my HDR on a full moon. fact is, I also use it on a new moon. Those are times it seems to work better than most, but why we are not so sure. Steven Gibbs says to use an HDR in the morning. Before day break on a night of a full moon. This is suppose to be the best time for use. Hope that helps you.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Free College Tuition

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Radiation spike

There was a big radiation spike from fukushima japan. It hit canada like a hammer ever. Radiation level are way above normal now. Hot spots have been located in many areas. Most affected is the west coast as in BC victoria region. People should get geiger counter to check things out and test for radiation in their food and other resources.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Gold over $1700
Gold hit a record yet again. It is on a rocket to the moon. Gold is over $1700 as people panic. Please so listen to me. Things are getting worse. It is a tragic time for all of us. Like the world economy is ripping at the seams. Hold on tight as this bumpy ride is gonna get worse.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Water cannons
UK will use water cannons. This is to stop riots in London and surrounding areas. Problem is no jobs for young persons. Like give em some thing to do and maybe things will settle down some. Idle hands are the devil's work shop they say.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Slow economy

Folks, no jobs = no recovery. That is a given. If people have jobs there would be more money. Yeah, for all the gov programs. Like to feed free loaders that complain and do not produce for us. Sadly, we have a very SLOW economy. Hey, that is our main issue.
Friday, August 5, 2011
DOWn jones
Thursday, August 4, 2011
rise of the planet of the apes

What can we say on rise. It is a brave new movie. The CGI is so spot on. Still, this movie is a power. Hope to see an oscar. It hearkens to a new age. Yeah, one of genetic engineering. Please see rise of the planet of the apes. Like, you will go ape.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Two moons?

OK, once upon a time planet earth had two moons. This is according to some men of science. It would be awesome. I mean to look up. Then see in the night sky two moons. Wonder about tides and how they would be with two moons.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
new day is near
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