Colombian president Alvaro Uribe has swine flu. This shows us that this disease is hitting people all over. Debunkers that claim that mexican swine flu is a hoax can now wonder. Perhaps when hospital emergency rooms are crowded they will wake up.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Colombian President has swine flu
Colombian president Alvaro Uribe has swine flu. This shows us that this disease is hitting people all over. Debunkers that claim that mexican swine flu is a hoax can now wonder. Perhaps when hospital emergency rooms are crowded they will wake up.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
sunshine state is shrinking
There are so few jobs in Florida that many illegal immigrants are going home to an uncertain future. The economic recovery we were promise is not coming.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Hacker in miami
They say - miami is a sunny place with shady people. Hacker Alberto Gonzalez from miami will do hard time for stealing 130 million credit cards. His is the crime of the century. OK never in history has one man stolen so many credit cards.
Friday, August 28, 2009
anti twitter woofer

It is billed as the opposite of a tweet. Macro blogging woofer is the anti twitter because your post must be over 1400 characters in size. these megaposts could become common in days to come.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
List of problem banks grows
List of banks near failure grows to 416. This does not sound to me like a we are coming out of our severe economic recession.
Here is a story for all of you to read - Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
Here is a story for all of you to read - Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Decline in Dollar
I forecast a major decline in our dollar. OK many will complain, given my reason. If the dollar falls, the american empire is gone. There is decline as fall as our eyes can see. Right now the dollar is the global reserve currency, but in the future, this is not the cash. What we need is less spending money.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Helicopter Ben still in charge
President Obama will renominate Ben Bernake as Fed Chairman. This is a bad move. I mean, Helicopter Ben is who got us in this mess. How are we to expect he can get us out soon? What will happen is more spending, and less saving money. Hold on to your pennies.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Kindle Killer?
This could be the killer app an electronic book. Folks, irex is the next kindle killer. They have Barnes and nobles behind them too. The world of electronic publishing is heating up. Well, amazon might throw the book at them. Welcome to a new future.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
There may be vast oceans under the surface of the earth. People, our world might just be far strange than we can imagine.
OK we are talking about huge oceans in our mantle. This could mean that there is more water in the mantle than all our oceans combined. It could be that we are literally floating on a vast subterranean sea.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Google moves into print
Google moves into the print world. It will now save orphan books that are out of print. However, microsoft, apple and amazon are against. They are concern that Google is getting to be too powerful.
Friday, August 21, 2009
decaying russian infrastructure a lesson for america
OK we need to spend money on new bridges and roads. The lesson to learn from the fall of the soviet empire is that we cannot afford to lose vital infrastructure. Cost to repair is super max. Decaying soviet infrastructure such as dam failure is evidence that ignoring problems does not make them go away.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
mac or netbook?
OK we see that students when given a choice - mac or netbook, in great numbers choose the cheaper option. Netbooks are flying off the shelves. They are small cheap and great to get on the net.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Film in our future?
What we have seen is that as time goes by there is less film. The move from analog to digital continue. Still the movie screen is using film, but I wonder for how long. John Titor predicted in 2000 that digital cameras would replace film. This has largely happened. Debunkers that laughed back then now claim that it was obvious. Still, we are often in a state of wonder at how quickly one technology can replace another. In the future no doubt teleportation will replace cars. Maybe we can see how this will affect motels now. Future film will be mostly used for art says John Titor.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
This plant is like a cat
Because it can eat a rat. The giant rat eating plant was name after David Attenborough. It sure is a big plant. Make a venus fly tap seem so puny. People, science sure is strange. Well, who could imagine a plant that eats rats?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Asteroid Apophis
Hey, could asteroid apophis hit our earth? Well, it is certainly a possibility. Actually, many seers have predicted a giant ball of fire hitting earth in the near future. This is also the prediction of many remote viewers.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
no moon soon
NASA says we cannot reach lunar surface by 2020. People we will not go to the moon any time soon. The reasons are many, as in - no money.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
america running outta gas
Expect fuel prices to soar. OK, not only is the dollar weak, but both China and India are consuming more gas. The world's petroleum production is in decline, while need increases.
I fully expect that you are going to see our gas prices rising soon. Future price of oil will increase.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Midcycle Meltdown
People, we are having a Midcycle Meltdown as retail sales going down cause big biz to do inventory reductions which trigger dramatic drop in production on our factory floor. This means less hours for workers. Also, as things get worse, we now have a terrible situation where workers face higher income tax, sales tax, ect on top of lower wages.
I predict this means less sales in the future, no more recovery poop as our economy worsens.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Jobless claims rise
There is a dramatic dive in sales as jobless claims are up. Actually, the two are related, because as more people lose jobs there are fewer customers.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
TR.IM is back
That URL shortening service TR.IM is back. OK some sasy that it will not last long, but glad they are back on track. It was so sad to see them go.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
no health care for cripples
Obama's health care plan harms disabled. Sarah Palin say she does not want her down syndrome son to have to face an Obama death panel to decide his life. People, it was back in the 30's "Great Depression, that nazi germany started rationing health care. They denied it to "non-productive" citizens as in elderly, disabled, and retarded. Right now US is looking a lot like germany circa 1930. I tell you it is scary on seniors.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Its all in the head
Psychopaths have faulty brain connections science says. This may be true, but why is it that those voices in the head never say "Help the poor." Sadly, the voices seems to always tell people to do evil acts. Perhaps, because they are demons. Oh, that's right, science does not in demons.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
gas going up

Gasoline prices are on increase due to positive economic news. Ha! We have over 9% unemployment, soon 10% and now the gov says that gas prices are going up due to an improving economy. Please, that is so lame. Take a look at Speedway, it will soon be over $3/gal for gas.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Advertisers pulling plug on Glen Beck
OK many advertisers are pulling the plug on Glen Beck. These uber politically correct posers. They support anything that is in.
Glen Beck is making enenmies by exposing certain programs they are now mad. It is my guess that calling GB nuts was not enough they want him gone. Look how Hal Turner was remove from the stage.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
same store sales fall
The reason California was printing IOUS was that sales were down, salaries were down, and property prices were down. Well, some say we are in recovery. People, same store sales are down. Actually, if we were in a recovery, numbers would be up.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Obama talks about more taxes
There is a swirl of activity in DC. OK maybe Obama wants to back track from more tax on middle class americans. He needs to get re-elected a strong base of support and taxing working people more is a way to lose the 2012 election. For example an increase in tax could be the final nail in the coffin of our unrecovering economy. I predict Obama will raise middle class taxes.
Monday, August 3, 2009
quarantine in china over pneumonic plague
As if bird flu and swine flu virus were not enough, we now have in China that dreaded killer once known as black death or pneumonic plague. This is so major. If it spreads it could kill millions as a grim reaper.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Future of TV - Television
The future of TV - Television is quite interesting. For one thing TV will be over IP. That means we will get television over our internet. Also, WiFi type devices like laptops and cellular telephones will get programs. True, many did doubt there was enough bandwidth for TV on cell phones, but new 4G technology makes it possible.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
rise in asia
This century is truly that of the pacific. What we see is a rise in asia. China is replacing eurozone as the power base, gone are empires like that of United Kingdom. The only rival to China appears to be India. Red dragon and grey elephant have replaced the eagle and the bear.
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