Friday, August 31, 2012
cheap e-books
Here is some super news. Like cheap e-books are coming. Not just in america. Expect them to also appear in europe. Oh wow, this is so awesome. It is good news in our amazon area.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
isaac increases gas prices
OK so isaac increases gas prices. There are some who say that will affect this election of ours. Hey, like we are not so sure. People have to make up their mind of who they want to go in. Four years is a long time for us. Actually, little can be changes as we will soon see.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
no progress
There is talk of an economic recovery. However, we see no progress. It is as if politicians think we are unwise. Like where are the jobs now?
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
I love the city in the evening. Actually, the city has a special kind of energy. Oh yes, at night it really shines in power. There is so much to see. Love the city after the setting sun. Why do people write poems. Basically,
on its shores we wax expansive.
on its shores we wax expansive.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Denisovans among us
They are an ancient ancestor of man science says. In fact, some people are up to 6% Denisovans via genes. Denisovans, who are they, and why are they important to us. Well, we need to know that we are not some apes. That is a lie of modern science.
Source: via Holly on Pinterest
Sunday, August 26, 2012
near groups
Civilization, what is it. Well, we believe it is based on interactions of near groups. People like those that are like them in many ways. Think of it as a society of peers. Here there is little use in america. Still, this mentality persists in europe. Often you will see it in small towns that cling on to old ways.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Bill & Ted
Bill and Ted's excellent adventure is an awesome movie. Part three is coming soon. Thank you keanu reeves. Like he does not have to make any more. Oh wow, life is funny that way. Well, we like time travel movies. Hey, this is a great one.
Source: via Ronald G. on Pinterest
Friday, August 24, 2012
blue planet
I love living in our universe. Blue planet is a tiny part of our cosmos. Perhaps we will one day see more. Yeah, of what lies beyond us. God have some mercy. Foolish children we are. Oh yes, please continue to guide us.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
QE3 coming
Folks, we see QE3 coming. Well, that is what bill gross say. Hey, like he might be wrong. Best we look some more. Still, it is interesting to us. All this easing. Perhaps, it will cause an inflation that is massive.
hands off my purse
Yes, ma merkel says hands off my purse. Too many people want money. They do not work for it. Instead they want gifts from germany. Like it is getting old my fine ones. Austerity is just the beginning for us. Get ready for more pain.
Source: via Nicholas on Pinterest
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
new way
Actually, deporting most of 22 million illegals
aliens would improve our economy. For example, less crime. Also, less crowding in college class rooms. People would see an increase in wages. This would be goo for our poor. Sadly, politicians say throwing out illegals is racism. What a joke says me.
Monday, August 20, 2012
computer security
My pals, computer security is important to us. Perhaps we know locks can be broken, but the reduce chances of loss in our universe. Crooks tend to work fast to steal a lap top because they are not that expensive. Back nine years ago, a lap top could sell for $2,000 new. Well, I am writing this post on a brand new lap top I got at office depot on sale for $299 even. It has all the bells and whistles that are necessary. Also, it has plenty of computer power. Still, keeping your eyes open is wise.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
old tubes
John Titor said that the old tubes would be replaced soon. LCD TV would take over. Also, that in 2036 broadcast TV was gone. Mostly, is was due to expense. In 2036 TV was over internet and people would create shows of their own. Hah, you tube was predicted any one.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
rescue me
I wish to say rescue me. Most cruise lines have ancient life boats, or death boats shall we say. Please keep this in mind when going on a cruise. In fact, cruise companies try to obtain the cheapest labor on the high seas. Often it is men accuse of a crime. Theft is typical of high ticket items such as your camera. Also, on board rape is common.
Friday, August 17, 2012
small biz rep man

Thursday, August 16, 2012
no rescue
When things get bad in the future you will see no rescue. It will be so bad that there will be no cop on a corner. Basically, things are going to get max worse soon. People, our era is over.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
What can we say. Like we do love metropolis, an awesome movie. It was made back in the 1920's before the talkies took over. Different time back then - not the same as now. If only they knew the dark future that stands before us.
Source: via Chad on Pinterest
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
unemployment rises
Hey, in 44 states unemployment rises. That means that there is no economic recovery. Most liberals do not want to talk about unemployment increasing. Sadly, they believe if we ignore this problem it will go away. Politicians claim that everything is fine, and that we are crazy. Oh yes, but of course. Citizens, please listen to me. Like we do not deport the illegal aliens stealing our jobs because that is racism. What is going?
Monday, August 13, 2012
NYC is wow
NYC is wow. I love this city, but do not like there anymore. OK so it use to have more work than now. Times change as we say. Wish things were better for all of us. NYC has a certain special energy.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
keep on trying
Sneak a peak at what is going on. Maybe we can see it. Perhaps, that is still possible in our universe. That said, people want to do not than observe ad they want to become participants in life's game. Hey, that is good advice my fines ones. Keep on trying and do not give up.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
NYC gangs
NYC gangs are growing. There is an increase in crime. People are near a panic. Liberals as is usual blame our cops. Also, many blame rich not giving jobs to our poor. It does not look good for us.
Source: via Reid on Pinterest
Friday, August 10, 2012
dark scene
What do we see coming. It is a dark scene. Cities will be with out any power soon. Get ready and do prepare. This is not like people tell you. It will be terrible and then some. Frankly, our society uses electricity for practically everything now.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
city is scary
Kept in the dark, I do not know about you. Still, the city is scary. What does it hold over us. It is like a strange power. Yet, it does compel us to come. Perhaps it is mystery or an enigma. Certainly, I do not know what it might be or is.
Source: via Trey on Pinterest
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Radio Shack going away
Radio Shack suspends dividend and may go bankrupt soon. This is a problem for me. I employ their components in various devices I use. Certainly this is scary. Expect our more woe in our economy. Sales will indeed worsen. Yeah, there is no recovery. Actually, there never was one.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Google street view
Colleges we love Google street view. It is going to Kennedy space agency. Hey, that is some super news. Wish we had some more. Like we can use some. Right now, I use street view. Actually, it lets us see an awesome scene. Perhaps this is the future for us. Best way to view is on a magna max screen. Exciting things are coming.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
mail slow
Friends, mail is slow now. Blame cuts to our postal service. People notice that a letter can take longer to arrive. I ordered some software from amazon. Two weeks I spent waiting for the program. Well, that is unnecessary. Of course, we should be able to do a digital download of it right zap.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
miami is magic
Truly, miami is magic. Well, that is what we say. However, we wonder how the city will indeed look in days to come. Like will it be the same as now. Shortages of fresh water are a problem max major. Also, we see few jobs as we have a very poor economy.
Source: via Kuiella on Pinterest
Friday, August 3, 2012
HDR inventor
Steven Gibbs - HDR inventor called me yesterday. He was interested in talking about 15K resistors and said that 10K do not work as well because the harmonics are wrongs. Basically, the HDR works on the principal of resonance. Perhaps we should ask Steven Gibbs some questions as he may have the answers. For example how to find a good vortex that is near.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Palm trees in Antarctica
Antarctica was cover in palm trees once. This really is news. Palm trees in Antarctica you say. Yeah, is does sound strange to us. Hey, that was many years ago. Like we got a mountain on ice now.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
face book new low
Citizens, there is no recovery. Look and see face book new low. Stock dropped 1% just now. Well, that is our sour news. People continue to struggle to survive. It is definitely not a good year. Hope better for our next one.
Source: via Matthew on Pinterest
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