It is time we sent a message. A message to some evil men. It is you're fired congress. Folks we are tired of hearing excuses. What we want is results from a congress that is corrupt to the core.
The chilean earthquake is one of the stronger recorded ever. Pacific ring of fire is a hot zone. At 8.8 magnitude the destruction is horrific with toppled towers, overturned bridges and crushed cars. It has a sobering effect on us. I mean to see this force of nature unleashed on us. Also, the megaquake generated a tsunami with giant waves. These will soon hit hawaii, american samoa, and guam. The situation is very serious.
Man of Truth also sees collapse of our economy. He is talking 10,000 subscribers on his you tube channel and his views. Back in 2005 few people saw what was coming. There are many who refuse to see it even now.
Jobless claims rise again. This should not comes as a surprise. We have been talking about this problem for years. The gov claims things are getting better, but with no work the truth is they continue to get worse. Sadly, our unemployment increasing seems to go over the head of those in power. They giggle like idiots and say - prosperity is just around the corner. OK, um that was a common refrain in the 1930's era. Well, so much for our economic WREAKcovery.
Well, they say Internet Explorer 6.0 is dying due to it being buggy as in more bugs than on a coon dog in a field of corn. Youtube will not support IE6 soon. This means many people will be forced to upgrade IE6 if they want access. Hopefully Youtube will continue to support firefox and opera.
Steven Gibbs best results with HDR are on full moon. It is suppose to be when the vortex opens. Not sure why this is. It could be a tidal influence from the full moon. This is something we can investigate further when we have more revenue. I believe that he said that the HDR also works better on the day of a new moon.
There are new memory chips are coming. The next generation is smaller, faster, and uses less power. It is a big deal to understand that we need more memory. The operating system or OS keeps growing.
Interesting experiment is being conducted by a friend of mine. He is building a time portal using pvc pipe. Will place photos on HDRusers. I believe a time portal is a bridge to another universe. Plan to keep you updated on his progress.
There is little we can expect from men of science. It is they who prefer to ridicule rather than cure. For some reason, a migraine pain is accompany by a fortification spectra or teichopsia. This is like a vision aura seeing prisms in migraine. What are these colored lights that flash. That and a terrible splitting headache are part of the migraine. But what is the Teichopsia? Is it all in your head, or is it something more.
Here is the 1957 vision. It was of an exciting new tomorrow that we wanted to live in. However, that is not how it is. Sadly, many people live in abject poverty with filth and squalor while we spend our money on war machines and new weapons.
There question is - is Hitler in Hell? I do not believe he has been cast into the lake of fire yet. This comes after the white throne judgement. He may very well end up there, but we do not know if in the final hours of his life he did repent of his evil deeds.
I believe Satan the Red Dragon may find that hell is populated by the self righteous more than by those thought as evil. Many may wonder as to who deserves this fate more than Hitler, but please remember that God prefers mercy. He wants us all to accept Christ our savior.
It is feeling a bit chilly in miami. People, it is now just at night anymore. The temperature is 15 degrees below normal, but thankfully in miami there is no snow. What ever happen to global warming. You know with al gore and the melting ice caps. Perhaps it is that there is a change in our sun. This is what we see. The amounts of CO2 to cause global warming would have to be massive.
Those sorry men of science. How they just love to ridicule that which lies beyond their power of reason. Calling psychics "Fortune Tellers" and frauds is but one method to damage their reps. Numerical nitwits who use equations in an attempt to understand the universe. They are character assassins. With a goal of calling all paranormal phenomena nonsense.
There will be many changes in the days to come. Technology will morph into shapes we cannot imagine. Future factoryversity will incorporate the factory into a university scene. This shall allow a new construct to arise.
Not my cup of tea - war. Yeah, it is a sad biz to always fight others and obey orders to take over. That said, some disturbing stats appear. They say that 1/3 of women in military are assualted by men. This does trouble me. What kind of society are we living in?
There is one exciting new technology coming up. Wireless transfer of electricity through the air. Scientist using a coil in a wall can wirelessly transfer power. It is fun because it eliminates the tether of a power cord to an appliance and allows you to freely roam. OK in remote viewing the future I have seen no power outlets in walls so this makes some sense.
Time is not your friend - no way. OK in the US home prices fell 12% in 2009. Well, so much for the recovery. I mean if you want to find out what is coming - open your eyes. Does a ten percent drop in price sound like a recovery to you? What about the fact that home foreclosures have been over 300,000 per month for the last eleven months in a row? Time to wake up.
Superoxidation, corrosion, or galvanic decay are but a few of many worries. How long does your DVD disk last in years? OK, some say that is can go on and on. However. most agree on approx 30 years. That said some go bad in less than seven. Sadly, as the saying goes - your mileage may vary.
Paul Krugman says we face a dark macroeconomic age. This is quite a man. He is an MIT prof and a Nobel prize winner. Debunkers says "everything is fine" and call him crazy. They pretend that it is all more "doom and gloom" talk, but we need to heed the warning. Basically, during the dark ages few peasants could read or write or even knew of the roman empire. Much valuable knowledge was gone. I fear we will enter yet another dark age. This new one will take place soon.
CarlosX saw using an HDR a giant tsunami hit miami. This is suppose to happen in the future that is coming. He says using an HDR from Steven Gibbs a huge wall of water he saw. This is cause by a volcano falling into the sea. The devastation was like hurricane andrew, except much worse. Not sure of the year.
I see but two paths on our way. Actually, one path is brightly lit, but the other is dim and grim. Well, in one future there are men on mars. People sail the stars, and roam our universe. Sadly, in the other path people read moldy old books by candle light and there is nothing new. Those vast bright cities are gone, and so are the machines of man.
Yesterday was terrible for gold as it suffered a loss that was massive. The yellow metal fell fifty dollars on weak economic news. High unemployment numbers cause gold to plunge in price. Precious metals were hit hard with the news. Bullion buyers are afraid it could go under $1000 in the next session. However, if gold has a cold, silver is sick with pneumonia. Silver went under $15/oz for the first time this year. Future price of silver is going up.
Yes a sub 10,000 dow is a big deal. People now realize that there is no recovery. Also, that the recession never ended, as we see more people losing jobs. This "faux recovery" was engineered to keep the fools buying.
There are many who see a tide rising. Well, I am not one. OK today the stock market slips up. The stock market will crash this year. Put on your thinking cap. Unemployment is rising. The workers are getting less pay. They are taking cuts in wages. What that means is less money.
Superhorrendous news for you. EPA will cut $200 million from the clean water program. We give billions to the rotten banksters, but not a penny to the very poor. Where do we make cuts to our programs? Well, clean water of course.
Well, many will claim this is evidence of an economic re-cover-y. Well, I say CYA as in cover. What I see is an economic WREAKcovery. True the dollars is not falling as fast as before, but this is because it is at the bottom near. OK so much for the dollar gains versus yen.