Monday, November 30, 2009
What future?

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Peter Schiff
Peter Schiff is tell it it like it is. FED faceoff is a foolish move. Here we see our sad reality.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Commonwealth Climate Deal
Commonwealth members back a climate deal. This is a good sign. People we cannot gamble on our future, because this planet is very fragile. It does not take much to destroy our home.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Food Banks running out

Food banks report more people are using resources. In fact, we are still sinking fast. The dow is dropping link a rock. However, debunkers say everything is fine. They call the unemployed - lazy bums, when our jobless rate is at a 26 year high and rising. Sadly, our gov claims we are in a recovery. That reminds me of the 1930's when people said - prosperity is just around the corner.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Walmart will open on Thanksgiving
Walmart will stay open this Thanksgiving holiday season. It is not the first company this year. Stores are in a mad dash to get your cash and hopefully stay open past the holiday season.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Flu vaccine needs eggs

Chicken eggs are use to make swine flu vaccine. Perhaps in the days to come we can use a new technology that we do not have now. This makes the vaccine very expensive. However the future price of eggs is much more.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
price war

Walmart and amazon are fighting a price war. OK as for the question of who wins. Well, answer is - clicks are cheaper than bricks. Those giant stores cost a lot of money. Thing of all the employees, heating the store in winter, cooling it in summer. Another nail in the coffin of retail stores is rising gas prices.
Monday, November 23, 2009
red star is rising

While the US begs banks to loan more money, China asks banks to slow down. This is very interesting. Folks, while we close down more factories, in China new ones open.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
caspian sea monster
The soviet created a caspian sea monster. It was a ground effect machine or gem. This vehicle was similar to a hydrofoil. It may one day have it renissance.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dell Drops
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Gold surges

Gold surges ahead to yet another record high. It will soon go over $1200. The new future price of gold will rise soon. Expect people to start buying precious metals as inflation kicks in.
In other news sears post another big loss. It seems there is no recovery. Hate to say I told you so.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Alien Hybrids in our future?
Dr. David Jacobs talks about alien hybrids and how they act. It is max incredible to see what is going on.
Housing starts fall, inflation increases
Housing starts fell sharply, meanwhile inflation is up. Get ready for a new way. Things are popping.
I predict that the dollar will fall further, gold will rise more.
I predict that the dollar will fall further, gold will rise more.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
World Hunger
Few problems are as hard to solve as world hunger. DEbunkers claim all is fine, but there will soon be shortages in food and fuel. Get ready for a new world, one were we face the daily task of finding food. Right now there is a world food summit in rome.
Monday, November 16, 2009
meteor shower on tuesday
Leonid meteor shower will light up sky on Tuesday astronomers say. Oh my what a beautiful sight it will be. Hope the sky is clear and we can catch a good view.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Low interest rates threaten recovery?
China says low US interest rates threaten global economic recovery. This is a true story. Bank bailouts and gift loans to major financial institution did prevent people from putting more money in savings. With CD rates at below 3% it is less than inflation so there is little incentive to save money.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Two deaths due to flu vaccine
There are two death in China due to swine flu vaccine. This is not good news. Perhaps many people will now avoid the vaccine. The mexican swine flu have cause many to become sick and require a hospital stay. It is now a world wide pandemic in H1N1 virus.
Friday, November 13, 2009
JC Penny profit drops 78%

Folks, news of an economic WREAKcovery is so poo. It seems that firms are still laying off workers. That banks are not extending credit, and that JC penny profit drops 78%... Talk about saving pennies. Hey, how much more evidence do we need to see?
Free WiFi in Times Square
Yahoo is pulling out all the stops with their new way. They plan to offer Free WiFi in Times Square. What can we say. This is most grand and we are glad to see that more companies are jumping on the band wagon.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Video games sales slide

The severe economic recession is affecting even "depression proof" sectors of society like entertainment revenue. Video games are not moving, sales are down 19% from last year. Please remember that the recession started in 2007. Instead of things getting better, they have continued to worsen. As more entertainment companies cut workers, for many programmers it is game over.
saving money
People need to start saving money. The economic recovery is a hoax. There is ahead more woe. For democrats there is grim news. It seems people are angry over high taxes and lack of jobs.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hyperinflation is coming
People, we cannot continue to run the printing press. Today the dollar hit a 15 month low. Learn that authorities are liars who enslave us with low wages. Hyperinflation is coming. The death of the dollar means out of control increasing prices.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Time Travel Cartoon
Here is time travel shown in an ol skool japanese cartoon. Notice how using the time machine makes things worse. Talk about a grandfather paradox.
Home prices

Superspectacular massive decline in real estate valuations. Home prices fell in 80% of metropolitan areas. Folks, single every region of the country was hit hard by our severe economic recession. As more people lose jobs, even more homes are thrown into foreclosure, forcing downward pressure on prices. While our gov props up Wall Street, main street houses are in woe.
Monday, November 9, 2009
new currency
The dollar is being destroyed. What we will have soon is a new currency. This is no conspiracy theory, the new currency is the amero which will compete with the euro. Please wake up. Hope we compete against low Chinese wages?
gold roars on to record
It is now over 1,100 and rising. The yellow metal is truly golden now. Lust we for those lustful precious metals and desire to buy gold tried by fire. Decline in the dollar set gold on record now. However, it is much more than a weakness in paper currency, because as we know soaring gold prices are sign that people are in complete panic.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Fear of Fascism
People, I have - Fear of Fascism. That is I am afraid government around the world will use our depression, yes I said depression to create a totalitarian state. Back in germany, authorities used the economic crisis to take away people's liberty. Already we see in US some danger signals. For example, no one is allowed to critize our prez. If they do, they are called racist. All this new "hate speech" legislation is to ban free speech. It is time to wake up.

Saturday, November 7, 2009
120 banks closed for far

People, there is no recovery. 120 banks were closed this year and more can follow soon. This does little to inspire investor confidence. Folks, our WREAKcovery is running out of steam. Unemployment is now over 10% and rising. All we see is more woe.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Goodwill Store

Goodwill is a great place to save some money. I got a TV set for only $14.95, also, at a flea market a VCR for $10. Old tapes are like a dollar each. People we need to save money. What is coming, well it will be truly monumental as in an epic saga...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
John Titor movie

Here is a John Titor movie about a time traveller from 2036 who came in a GE C204 temporal distortion device to the year 2000. It has major characters such as John, Pamela (girl he liked), etc. The only problem is the movie is in Italian. Still, you can see it and enjoy. People, many John Titor predictions about the future have already come true. For example, one prediction that John Titor gave was that in the future people created their own entertainment over the internet - this is before Youtube.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
can we save our car companies

Ford looks like it may survive. However the picture for Chrysler is far from rosy. There are questions of if Fiat really can save Chrysler. Perhaps this is all part of a plan to destroy competition by removing. If so, we could see even greater job losses ahead as the company completely is gone. For Chysler to survive, profits need to appear.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Far future is fun

What can we say, the far future is fun. It will have much less pollution or crime. The people will not worry all the time about losing their job or not being able to pay.
In fact, this world would seem like a utopia now. However, there is one cloud on our horizon - it is greedy execs. Right now no one on earth should starve. All children could be able to get an education, but instead a few fat cat execs, hoard all the money.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Dollar Declines
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Set clock back

Please remember to set clock back an hour. As the saying goes, spring forward fall back. I wonder if time travellers also will set their clocks back. Well, guess they are more aware of time than we are. Perhaps this will make things seem different, but I use my guide as noon.
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