I see Wall Street as a giant game of chance, except the chances for you to attain success are limited you see it is like a crooked card game where the house has all the aces. Also the dice are loaded. Well, the last roll was snake eyes - you lose!
Wagoners out and GM is down. In fact, the dow drop 300 points on news of GM CEO being fired. A gov official says bankruptcy may be the best option for GM at this moment. Sales of new cars are dropping as people fear the fall of the late great automotive giant.
Waste not want not is a good metaphor for our time. Frugal living will make sense as our resources become depleted. It will require more effort, but we can made do with a lot less than we are now using.
7 states are over 10% due to our economic crisis. The chill is in the air. Things are getting worse in 2009. There is talk of a bank holiday similar to the one we had in the 1930's during the Great Depression. In the words of a 99 year old lady who lives thru the Great Depression - thing have never been so bad.
Many of HDRKID's predictions about future events have already come true. There are still many more that will come to pass this year. What we are seeing is a phase shift as US economy falls and other nations become more powerful.
EXpect gold to rise as people prefer yellow metal to worthless green pieces of paper. The future is now.
As the volume of traffic goes down we will see more malls close. I have seen big box stores like Wall mart shuttered. Ghost boxes and ghost malls are here. LOOK, we are going down!
Expect all systems to crash as we move into complete collapse. This is going to take place in our near future. Ghost malls are a problem that will create chaos. Resulting from our economic crisis our power plants will fail and america will go dark. This is known as the "dark city" scenario.
For those of you that have a biz, the answer is to serve customers better. Actually, our job is to please our customers. Take a look at companies that are going under like GM, for years they sold a substandard over price automobile. Today in India, they came out with the Tata Nano for under $2000 - 100,000 rupee ($1,980) and it is a big hit. Frankly, we could use a nano, because current economic crisis has made cheap cars all the more important. If our GM is going to survive, it needs to make small fuel efficient cars that are affordable, not giant monster SUV trucks like the Hummer.
For the future Max Keiser talks about dollar death and hyperinflation similar to Zimbabwe, and the old german weimar republic. He tells people to hold gold.
Last year the Baltic dry index fell 93% meaning a global economic crisis was becoming a catastrophe beyond any ever seen including the Great depression of the 1930. Sadly, in the 1930's the gov took all people's gold.
OK, so a person want to know what safe haven to use. I still reply gold, but many cannot afford the yellow metal. Well, silver is often spoken of as poor man's gold. Get ready for things to get interesting and the future price of silver is up!
Not too far from where I live a house that have been for sale for over three years without selling, did catch on fire and burn to the ground in a matter of minute. Beore the fire department had a chance to get out there it was a smoking ruin. Fire departments these days are very busy. Police departments are swamped with information about fires of suspicious origin. Yes arson, is becoming the hottest crime in the country.
I often wondered with all those empty abandoned houses in foreclosure what would happen to the their hollow shells. The answer is they are being deliberately set on fire by vandals or gang members. The sheer number of unusual fires in my area has now seen a marked increase due to arson. A local insurance agent is saying that they will have to adjust the coverage policy as our towns and cities turn into an inferno.
The billionaire bankster bailout has an insurance company AIG in as a rider, it use to be the largest insurer in the world. It sold insurance against those toxic waste CDOs that the banks were selling. Well, now we have given over 170 billion dollars to AIG and it is still sinking.
Thank God the horrible winter is gone, spring is here. What can I say - no more snow. It got rather cold in January, but now we see a new season. The chilly mornings are gone and so is the foggy windows. It is time to start thinking about what the new year will bring.
Clocks tell us time. And yet as you look at the internal mechanisms of a clock you wonder if these wheels and cogs are able to accurately measure a stream of chronotron particles. To understand time travel we must first understand what is going on. To understand what time is.
Time travel predictions of John Titor speak of a war in 2015. This is because russia attacks america. At the time the prediction was made, the year 2000 we were friends with russia, but that is no longer the case. Yesterday, it was reported that russia will place long range strategic bomber in the island of cuba.
All of you see a gov that gambols with your money. Well, it is snake eyes and you lost. Barack Madoff sold us a pig in a poke. The cat is outta tha bag!
Bridge to no where, is the end of the road for america. GM is the engine and that motor is dead. WAKE UP!
Food prices will soar in the future. People still need to eat and they will pay any price for food. Get a bicycle to prepare for soaring oil prices. Future price of eggs will go up and up. It is time to dump the pump and grow a garden.
Remote Viewing or RV is often used to see event that take place in the future. You can see events that are distant in time and space. This is one of many methods discussed in a Time Travel Forum that explores the 4th dimension.
Making the call to go for the gold by using RV should seem obvious, because gold has held its value over centuries, however all companies have in history gone under and all paper currency has eventually gone zero.
I have told you to get ready for a hypercatastrophe. Gold will go up. However I told you to have food and fuel, but also clean water is important. A complete collapse will occur.
LA is forced to cut back. They want to fire police and teachers. Let prisoners go to relieve jail overcrowding and raise taxes. This is a recipe for disaster. The latest plan for LA to layoff 5,500 teachers is more of the same.
Things are bad, no even warren says "economic Pearl Harbor". The crash of the stock market reminds me of 1929. It is a situation similar to 1929 when banks were crashing and the people losing their jobs.
Peter Schiff says economy is doomed. He sees the end of america as we know it. This will cause much pain, but there are many more problems ahead. Road ahead is very bumpy and filled with obstacles. Peter Schiff is right we are doomed.
Clocks move ahead an hour for daylight savings time. This is the closest many will come to time travel. You get to move ahead an hour in a matter of seconds. Of course the reality is that time still moves at its normal speed of one second per second. Even so, we can imagine that we have time travel one hour into the future.
There was a line in the movie 21 which sticks in my mind "Yesterday is history, and tomorrow is a mystery." That said using remote viewing lotto would help people to win big, but there is a snag. RV is not effective in numbers.
Ed Dames says that remote viewing is not a good technique to see numbers. That said in the movie 21 there were MIT students that used a mathematical system for counting of cards. This let them get millions and beat the house. I love this film.
Still, the house got mad and went after them. It is a movie based on a true story. The romantic part is pure Hollywood, but the MIT students were real, not REEL.
For many people finding a vortex is hard. The thing to remember is sometimes you will find in the middle of a healthy green lawn a bare area known as a "bald spot" where nothing grows. There is sometimes a cloud of gnats over this area. For some reason insects are attracted to a vortex.
Look for areas that animals such as dogs and cows avoid, on the other hand, cats are attracted to a vortex. A great way to find a vortex is to see the place where a cat sleeps.
What are alien abductions? OK, so some people say that they were taken aboard a UFO and placed on a table where aliens did experiments on them. This could happen, but the reason given is that these beings called greys claim to be from Zeta Recticuli are creating hybrids. These hybrids are part human and part Zeta.
Are aliens abducting our children? People claim that children are abducted to help teach the hybrids about earth. Things like how to play, and act "human". Many of these children are scared about what is taking place.
Having astral time travel as a method to see future events is probably one of the great benefits on using psychic abilities. When you can see what will soon take place on a global scale and prepare for the dollar death and the rise of eurozone, you are in much better shape.
Do not be fooled. The dollar is dying because america no longer produces anything. In fact, our stores are full of items produced in Red China.
What is missing time? This is a paranormal phenomena that often will accompany a UFO abduction. Rather than accept that we live in a mystery of a uninverse, science wants to ridicule what it does not understand. They hope to laugh at concepts that are beyond their abilities to comprehend.
Perhaps, missing time is a sign of a higher intelligence that is interacting with humans. It is a phenomenon that we should investigate, rather than make fun of. Rather than ridicule we should try to understand the world around us.
A surprise asteroid DD45 passed within 41,000 miles of earth. This narrow miss earth grazer asteroid was the size of a ten story building. If it had it we would be reacting to an explosion the force of 100,000 A-bombs, comparable in force to the Tunguska impactor of 1908 that flattened 500,000 acres of forest.
Take a look at were we are going. The rate of innovation is increasing. Technology is moving forward at a rapid rate. Today we are on the verge of new technological developments that would have seem like fancy to people in previous centuries. The wave is now.
S&P falls to new low, Citigroup needs even more money to help prop us the zombie bank. This banks is like a vampire draining money from the tax payers as it tries to return to profits, but it keeps sinking deeper into the financial quicksand that is New York.
The day before yesterday, Citi lost 23% of its value closing at $1.50/share, now people remember that if a stock falls below $1 it is considered a penny stock and cannot be in the S&P index. Also, I believe soon Citi will be dropped from the Dow. The troubled financial giant has lost since 2008 over 94% of its value. Will things get worse in the future - you can BANK on it.