Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Connecting an Electromagnet to an HDR
There are four banana plug adapters on the side of the hyper dimensional resonator or HDR unit. These are clearly labeled two for the time coils and two to connect the HDR electromagnet to the HDR box. The banana plugs for the electromagnet are red and black. Remember this rhyme - red ahead and black in back. Always use the black plug near the back.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Steven Gibbs

There is a group called by the name HDRusers, these are fans of Steven Gibbs HDR. People who use the HDR. What is the HDR? OK, the Hyper Dimensional Resonator or HDR is an electronic device claimed to by a time machine based on the alien technology of Philadelphia Experiment and built by legendary inventor Steven Gibbs.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
What the days ahead look like
We look forward to a frugal future. A time when people do not spend as much. The excess of the past few decades led to our current economic crisis. If we have learned anything it is that we should be frugal and spend only on things that we need.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Real Estate Forecast for 2009

OK, so I have never seen houses fall in value so quickly. It is as if houses are falling off a cliff. The realtors claim that nothing is moving. Banks refuse to make loans and people are afraid of losing their job. Few people are buying homes now.
However, in 2009 more people will be out of work and the banks will find that more homes are in foreclosure. As the severe recession turns into a deep depression our economic crisis grows into a financial catastrophe we will see riots and unrest.
The forecast for real estate prices in 2009 is that they will fall some more.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Using a gaussmeter

Ghost hunters are often made fun of because men of science claim that it is all intheir head, so we use one very important item, the EMF meter cell sensor is use to detect a magnetic field. This way you can prove that some strange force is really there and that it is not your imagination. Using a gaussmeter is easy. When you turn it on it will tell you the strength of the magnetic field that is around you, and if a strange paranormal event occurs the cell sensor will begin to beep and the light to flash to warn you.
This is great at night because you are alerted to high levels of electromagnetic frequencies or EMF. That is why it is called an EMF Meter.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
2,700 year old blond blue eyed mummy found in China
It sounds like science fiction, but it is not. A 2,700 year old blond blue eyed mummy was found in the western China province of Takla Makan. Time to rewrite the history books. It's news to me, and most other historians.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Geiger Counter

I use the HDR with a geiger counter to see if it increases radiation. So far my evidence is no increase or decrease in background radiation. This is good news, but I wonder if there is a way to measure scalar waves.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Is Satan real?
Satan AKA the Devil,Lucifer, old serpent, red dragon is very real. He is known as the god of this world. If we look around and see what is happening then we can view why this is. It is because our world is based on greed, on power, on people who care only about their own problems; which is why we have the present situation.
Firms that are greedy and OUTsource and DOWNsize workers, then an impoverished population that cannot afford their basic needs. They say that the Devil is in the details, but I say that even the big picture shows us that it was greed that got us here.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Latest on HDR secrets
According to Steven Gibbs, the most important part of using the HDR is locating a grid point vortex. This will enable you to use the device with best experience.
To find out more about his inventions read about the best new HDR secrets. You will make many exciting discoveries if you open your self to new experiences.
To find out more about his inventions read about the best new HDR secrets. You will make many exciting discoveries if you open your self to new experiences.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Trouble at Apple
Many people see that Apple computer is in trouble. They see that Steve Jobs is sick and not going to macworld. Sales of macs are down. It is a joke. Right before macworld we find out that Jobs is gone.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Steve Jobs near death?
Monday, December 15, 2008
How to create time coil and electromagnet for HDR
For the time coils use a phone wire and two banana plugs.
For the HDR electromagnet use a seven inch soft iron core, around it are 12 rows of 21 gauge copper magnet wire - about 200 feet of wire. Seal it with permaseal tape, you can use black electrical tape too, but permaseal is better.
Attach to the ends of the HDR electromagnet two banana plugs. This allows you to connect the electromagnet to the HDR box.
For the HDR electromagnet use a seven inch soft iron core, around it are 12 rows of 21 gauge copper magnet wire - about 200 feet of wire. Seal it with permaseal tape, you can use black electrical tape too, but permaseal is better.
Attach to the ends of the HDR electromagnet two banana plugs. This allows you to connect the electromagnet to the HDR box.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
hemisync tapes
Back in the 80's before getting Steven Gibbs HDR, I used hemisync tapes for meditation music. The principle of the hemisync is easy. Let's say in your right ear is an, 86 Hertz sound and in your left ear is an 80 Hertz sound. What this does is create a carrier wave of six cycles per second. This will entrain your brain to the six cycle theta state. The theta brain wave state is related to meditation and used by technoshamans to attain a relaxed higher state of consciousness.
Friday, December 12, 2008
economy in crisis
They say that things are bad in NYC worse than other places due to problems in the financial sector. Most people are impacted by the fall in the DOWN Jones Industrial Average.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
microprojectors on stage
I love the new pocket sized microprojectors. They are so light weight and portable that you can take them with your laptop. The only problem is that they might become microscopic (joke), still they are wonderful.
In fact, the Dell projector fits in your hand. Great for watching a movie and has new LED technology that lasts 10,000 hours. All you need is a dark room.
In fact, the Dell projector fits in your hand. Great for watching a movie and has new LED technology that lasts 10,000 hours. All you need is a dark room.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
magnetic cave
There have been a series of small shallow earthquakes at magnetic cave in Arkansas - near hot thermal vents. Not sure of what is causing these earthquake, but fear they may become stronger.
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